2021 schedule

Below you will find the schedule of our passages and workshops, including dates, destinations, and price.
Click on the names of the passages for more details of the trip.
Best viewed in landscape mode on mobile devices.

John Kretschmer Sailing & Workshop Schedule 2021

Find our schedule in the table below and keep scrolling down to see Nathan and Vivian's available passages aboard Ultima and select yachts.

Best viewed in landscape mode. Scroll left and right to see the full table.

These have been challenging times for all of us but hopefully the worst of the pandemic is finally behind us. Beginning in 2022, Quetzal, Tadji and I are launching "The Big One." This is a far flung, five year circumnavigation that will take us to latitudes high and low, and longitudes big and small.  From Greenland to Antarctica, from Polynesia to South Africa, we will explore all the oceans of our planet. Tadji and I have been dreaming of this voyage from the day we met and now is the time.  Of course, we will continue to offer training passages aboard Quetzal along the way, that's what we do, that's part of our sailing DNA and we hope that you will share this grand adventure with us. 

We will continue to offer our both onsite Offshore Sailing workshops in exotic locations around the world and our workshops in Solomons, MD.  We will also continue to offer occasional passages on other boats.

Ultima Sailing & Workshop Schedule 2021

We are excited to have had a great first year running training passages aboard Ultima. It's been a pleasure sharing our time and experiences with our clients and friends. Our trips are filling up fast, so please send a message when you're ready to book a trip.

We have also added workshops to their schedule, hoping to add their knowledge and experience to new boat owners and live-aboards on their journey to cruising.

Many thanks for your interest in John Kretschmer Sailing, we appreciate your ongoing support and friendship through the years. 

Best viewed in landscape mode. Scroll left to right to see full table.

If you have any interest or idea that you might want to go offshore on a sailboat but are scared, bewildered, or unsure about how to get a start, go sail with John.  It is much quicker and way, way cheaper than buying your own boat.  You’ll quickly see what it is all about as you help provision the boat, stow everything away, make navigation decisions, stand watch, fix things (sometimes a lot), ride out storms, learn how to use a sextant, and talk with John and your fellow passage makers for hours about everything under the sun.  This is the real thing.  No more day dreaming; you get to do it.

And you get to do this led by a guy who has been doing this professionally for decades but still loves to talk about the simplest subjects to newcomers and experienced sailors alike.

Kyle Gresham

Seattle, WA